
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Rehab or Treatment - Still Confused ?

Rehab or Treatment - Still Confused ?

Hello fellow Recovering addicts or Alcoholic or non - revering addict and alcoholics.
David L. here ( Recovering Alcoholic/Addict)

I want you to understand that whether or not you are in a Rehab or are considering getting into some sort of Treatment program, I have been there! Both recovering and non-recovering (still using but curious) ...

Rehab or Treatment

I am writing this article straight from my heart, with no interruptions, no research, Nothing What so Ever! This article is coming straight from my true experiences at all but from my own straight shitty situations.

I have been in your shoes before. Rehab sounds like a very "Scary" word and the same for treatment. It took me many, many times to finally get into a Rehab Treatment Facility.

There've been many times where I would just say " F . YOU" to anyone that got in my way. I almost once said it to my parents but did not, and I am so greatful that I didn't because my Father would have kicked me out of the house and I would have been Homeless!

Just Get Your ASS Into Some Sort of Program Involving Treatment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really hope this article gets your diluted, disturbed, druged or drunk Ass into a program!

Even though my Parents, Friends, and loved ones encouraged me to get help and get into some sort of Rehab or Treatment facility, I still would not listen to them and decided to try and figure this all out on my own.

What I tried was what I personally call: "The DO IT ON YOUR OWN" fix yourself plan.

Do you know how many times I have tried this plan?... More than 20 if I can recall all of my efforts. And Guess what?... Non of them ever worked out!

I eventually started to drink and use again which did nothing more than bring me back down into the "Gutter" I was originally in.

The thing I can tell you is that you have a choice! You ALWAYS have a choice to get help in a Rehab or Treatment center, EVEN if you have NO INSURANCE!  to bring you to another article I have written about called: ( how to get into a Rehab with Zero Insurance"...( this link below: )

But, in the long run, the choice is ALWAYS YOU! ... You have to WANT to quit whatever drug or addiction you do. NO ONE can make you change or get the Treatment you need.
Even your own family!

Yes, you may be going to A. A. or N. A. meetings, even have a sponsor, but it will ALWAYS be up to you for making that decision to get help. 

 I am 43 years old now. If I could have looked into my future through a crystal ball,  If I knew the help and treatment and knowledge that was out there, I would have immediately got help ASAP P.     no questions asked!

My problem was that I was so stubborn and thought that I can do this by myself, Never worked in the 1st place! But most of us whether in recovery, or still addicted to some sort of drug or alcohol, never seem to accept the fact that we are ADDICTS!.. 

The crazy thing is even if you know deep in you heart that you are an addict of drugs or alcohol, your crazy mind set tells you different most of the times! What I mean by this is that you are 100% powerless over your addiction! You Need Help Now!

It finally took me years of my life to get into my 1st Rehab Facility because I thought that i really did not have that big of a deal of a problem.

It was like I had a split personality. One of my personalities said to "Keep Drinking and Using" and the other said "You Need Help..NOW".. and I know that this has happened to you  at one time or another! And if not, you WILL eventually reach this point of the Possitive or Negative way to go.

In this situation, which I know many of you can relate to, of course, the worst half of my personality told me to continue using. It was almost like having the Devil inside my brain. 

 Yes, It was like the Devil was controlling me but what it was in true reality was my Addiction controlling me!

My Addiction was not only in totally control of my life but it was making the most ridiculous choices and decisions I have ever made to continue using! 

 Sounds like Insanity yes, by the way, in Websters Dictionary is defined as:   ..." Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results ? ...
Crazy.. Huh..? ...  "

I will totally admit that I was at one point in my life "Insane".. !  I was so out of control of my addiction that I tried so many different things just to continue using. Some I can not even mention here right now on this site!

To end this article, I have to tell all of you that are still suffering to Please get help now!...

I do not care what age you are, just get to a Rehab or Treatment facility as soon as possible because I am hoping that this article will give you that "Kick in the Ass" that you need.

As the say: 

" Just Do It ! "

Once you are into a Rehab Treatment facility, (hopefully for no less than 30 days) when you get out, you will see how awesome it is being sober and clean.
Remember, it is up to you! You know what you have to do.


and if you do not, I am sorry to say that you will lose everything in your life! Your Family, Friend, and Loved Ones! It may not happen right away but eventually it will HAPPEN.

Please, Get HELP!

Thank You for reading this article from David L. (Recovering Alcoholic/Addict)....

1 comment:

  1. Addiction is a disease of the mind, which lies to the addict and convinces him/her that everyone is against them, and that only the addict has everything under control.


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Thank You !

D L.