Thursday, January 22, 2099

My Recovery Poem - By David L.

Recovery Poem by Dave L.

"I Created This poem When I was in a Rehab.  I Would Like To Dedicate This Poem to All in Recovery and All Who Wish to Recover with Either Drugs,  Alcohol, or Any Other Addiction"

There's a time I remember, A time I had Fun
No stress and no worries, When I was Young
Many moments of joy, Hanging out by the Sea
Many moments of Freedom, Many places to Be

As I grew Older, Some friends that I Met
We all started Using, For that I Regret
As Time went by Quickly, I used & Drank More
I soon Realized, It's the Booze I Adore

Problems with Family
And friends all the Time
My pain and my suffering
These faults are all Mine
The fun I once Had
Seems so distant and Far
My reality of Life
Was a lost distant Star

My pride and my Ego, So shameful to Be
This life I Created, Just wasn't Me
Relapse and Rehabs, Were right in my Site
My future I Created, Did not look that Bright

My soul wanted Out, Like a cough from my Breath
Jails, Institutions, And then there is Death
I woke up one Day, To get the help that I Need
To start from the Beginning, Just like a Seed

To Grow more in Spirit, Have faith and i'll See
The true unseen Beauty, That lies inside Me
There's a time I Remember, A time I had Fun
I want that all Back, It has to be Done

With hard work and much Effort, The future I See
My reward for not Using, HAS NOW SET ME FREE ! ! !


Thursday, December 5, 2013

Recovery And Treatment For Alcohol and Drug Addicts: Contact Me !

Recovery And Treatment For Alcohol and Drug Addicts: Contact Me !: If you would like to contact me on a " personal basis " for literally anything at all, please email me at:                  ...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Crack ! What Crack Does to You !

Crack ! What Crack Does to You !

Hello, David L. Here (Recovering Alcoholic/Addict)

People often mistake Crack and Cocaine as two separate drugs. Even though they are,  Crack is more highly addictive than Cocaine! 

For starters, let us start out with what Crack Cocaine is:

What is Crack Cocaine ?


Monday, March 11, 2013

Depression - Is it Causing You to Relapse ?

Depression - Is it Causing You to Relapse ?

Hello, David L. Here (Recovering Alcoholic/Addict)

Those who suffer from depression sometimes risk experiencing a relapse, especially if the depression episode was severe and lasted for a long period.


Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Rehab or Treatment - Still Confused ?

Rehab or Treatment - Still Confused ?

Hello fellow Recovering addicts or Alcoholic or non - revering addict and alcoholics.
David L. here ( Recovering Alcoholic/Addict)

I want you to understand that whether or not you are in a Rehab or are considering getting into some sort of Treatment program, I have been there! Both recovering and non-recovering (still using but curious) ...

Begin Again - Poem From an Unknown Author

Begin Again - Poem From an Unknown Author

This poem came from an "Unknown Author" but I have to give credit to the website page I received this from: Here is that page:


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Gambling Addiction Problem - Do You Have One?


Gambling Addiction Problem - Do You Have One?

If you have a Gambling Addiction  Problem, it can affect every facet of your life. It can change your perception, strain relationships and interfere with your obligations and responsibilities.


Friday, March 1, 2013

What Rehabs Are Like - For Recovery and Treatment

What Rehabs Are Like - For Recovery and Treatment

Hello Fellow Recovering Alcoholics/Addicts out there.

David L. here ( I am a recovering Alcoholic/Addict myself

I am going to explain a little bit of what to expect if or when you decide that a Rehab is the thing that you need to do. So, please read this article and understand what I am about to write.  :)
